• Christopher

    Christopher (Risto) enjoys geeking out into almost anything, but especially sauna, tea, chiles, and cuneiform. Besides helping with The Sauna Trail, he runs a blog called Sauna Digest and the Wood-burning Sauna Facebook group.

  • Julie

    Julie loves tower defense games and traveling with her family. She is the head nurse at an assisted living home, full-time mom, and main motivator to get this podcast off the ground.

  • Becca

    Becca likes art, design, and photography. She would like to be a stay-at-home mom when she grows up.

  • Nahlah

    Nahlah enjoys reading, writing, all things literary, and piano. Nahlah would like to be a librarian but is open to rocket science.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.


    Hudson likes mechanics and fixing things, and would like to be an engineer someday.

  • Daniel

    Daniel likes math, riddles, and puzzles, and would like to be a teacher when he grows up.