Ep. 24 - The U.P. Year Two, Part One
Christopher Rice Christopher Rice

Ep. 24 - The U.P. Year Two, Part One

“To the Finns, the sauna was an absolute necessity. It served many purposes. You went in after a day of exhausting labor and sweated out your weariness along with the grime. You came out relaxed and refreshed. You went in with a bad cold or the flu, sipped a bottle of whiskey and sweated out the fever. It was wonderful for arthritis, rheumatism, and various aches and pains.” - Jingo Vittala Vachon, Tall Timber Tales

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Ep. 22 - The Matti Kaups Archive
Christopher Rice Christopher Rice

Ep. 22 - The Matti Kaups Archive

“The sauna, or Finnish bathhouse and bath, is one of the most distinctive cultural traits the Finns brought when they emigrated to the United States in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. No other custom or tradition of these northern Europeans generated as much interest, curiosity, flights of fancy, and, more recently, imitation among their non-Finnish neighbors.” - Matti Kaups

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Ep. 21 - Thunder Bay Pt. 2
Christopher Rice Christopher Rice

Ep. 21 - Thunder Bay Pt. 2

“Once they learn the feeling; once they learn that rejuvenation; they’ll say “ya know what, it’s a smart thing to do” - Jari Sarkka

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Ep. 20 - Thunder Bay Pt. 1
Christopher Rice Christopher Rice

Ep. 20 - Thunder Bay Pt. 1

“I sauna almost every night in the winter. It relaxes me and connects me to my heritage. I feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually refreshed and at peace. And that’s what sauna means to me.” - Kaarina Dillabough, Sweating with Finns: Sauna Stories from North America

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Ep. 19 - How We Sauna
Christopher Rice Christopher Rice

Ep. 19 - How We Sauna

“Implacable dry heat interrupted by waves of löyly is the essence of sauna” — Michael Nordskog, The Opposite of Cold

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Ep. 18 - World’s Smallest Mobile Sauna?
Christopher Rice Christopher Rice

Ep. 18 - World’s Smallest Mobile Sauna?

“Plans, whether realized or not, do their best / And we have got to keep on / We meant to start here. / A new year in Finland, with cloud banks slanting down.”

- From The Innocence Mission song, When The One Flowered Suitcase

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Ep. 17 - Our Favorite
Christopher Rice Christopher Rice

Ep. 17 - Our Favorite

“The time spent outside the hot room is as important in the overall enjoyment as the time spent inside the sauna… The moments immediately after the bath, so rich in enjoyment, are made even more so if one can lie naked in the fresh air, looking out over a lovely stretch of land and water.” - Konya and Burger

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Ep. 16 - Sauna in Cokato
Christopher Rice Christopher Rice

Ep. 16 - Sauna in Cokato

“To the Finns a visit to the sauna means much more than merely sitting in the hot room and sweating it out. It is a way of life, a cultural activity, an opportunity for peace and contemplation, an act of physical and mental renewal.” - Konya and Burger

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