Ep. 18 - World’s Smallest Mobile Sauna?

We’re traveling as far as we ever have on the sauna trail to Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Risto’s bucket list in 2016 only had one thing — see his favorite band, The Innocence Mission, live in concert. So when they announced a concert in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Risto and Julie signed up right away. Of course, we were always looking for lodging with a sauna, so we found one and drove out.

Today’s episode will have two parts. First, we’ll talk about our trip in general and the sauna we used, then in the second part we’ll share about our favorite band, The Innocence Mission. Their music has been our soundtrack on many sauna journeys. Join us as we discuss two of our favorite things – music and sauna!


Ep. 19 - How We Sauna


Ep. 17 - Our Favorite