Ep. 6 - Generations
Christopher Rice Christopher Rice

Ep. 6 - Generations

“The sauna door creaked.
Wood rubbed wood
Cold and warm mingled
with past and present.

Warmth enveloped us.
The window to the dressing room
clouded over. The steam
of generations filled the room.”
- The Sauna, by David Salmela

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Ep. 5 - What Happened?!
Christopher Rice Christopher Rice

Ep. 5 - What Happened?!

“Sauna has also seen unprecedented growth in the United States, and my own preoccupation with this growth is the fear that our genius for efficiency and oversimplification may lead to an adulteration of sauna’s time-honored customs and benefits.” - Cecil Ellis

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Ep. 4 - Kinda Rustic
Christopher Rice Christopher Rice

Ep. 4 - Kinda Rustic

“Modern refinements such as marble pools, enamel bathtubs, showers, and nickel pipes have no place in the sauna. The inside of the bath house must not even be oiled, timber and rough boards being the best materials for it.” — H.J. Viherjuuri, Sauna: The Finnish Bath

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Ep. 2 - A Fateful Search
Christopher Rice Christopher Rice

Ep. 2 - A Fateful Search

“Aarne sat on a bench and removed his shoes. ‘Forget all you’ve heard about the sauna,’ he said, ‘because I suspect a lot of it is nonsense.’” - Caskie Stinnett

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Ep. 1 - The Sauna Trail
Christopher Rice Christopher Rice

Ep. 1 - The Sauna Trail

“Sauna is a building,
a room, a ritual,
a reason for visiting friends and neighbors,
a place to cleanse the mind, body, and soul
reflect on the day and your life.”
- Melba Hensel

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